About Us

Well. Here we are!

Our past guides our future

i3 Events was started when we realized that small and medium sized organizations have different needs when it comes to planning a conference or event. You have amazing members, dedicated staff, and you fulfill a critical role in your industry so why should your conference or event suffer because you have a smaller head count or a bank account. Your members and attendees deserve an amazing event experience, seamless event registration, and a mobile app just like the big dogs. You are changing lives, your conference or event should too!

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

Retired Four-Star U.S. Army General and Former Secretary of State, Colin Powell

Loving the gig

Since 2006

Just like your first day at your new association, it was scary when we walked into our new role. We did not know what to expect. We had some contacts and a dream. We launched on a Tuesday morning, sent out thirty emails letting folks know that we were making the leap, and by Wednesday afternoon we had two clients and didn’t look back.

It is not always easy. During the crash of 2008, many, including us, almost didn’t make it.. But together, we make it through and learned that with a little ingenuity and a lot of gaff tape, you can make any conference or event a success.

Details Matter

Our Process


When you work with i3, you gain a partner who’s invested in your organizations succes. You now have a team that is ready to ensure that your conference or event meets all of your stated goals and objectives as we move forward to greet the future.

Getting Acquainted

Forming relationships is the key to our success and first contact happens in many ways. For most it is by simply completing our online contact form and then we set a phone or video call to learn more about each other. Our goal is to have a thorough understanding of what you’re looking for in a planning partner.

Getting Started

Everything starts at the end. Once we know where you want to go, we work together to plan how to get there. Someone once said "think outside the box" but we think it is better to redesign the box to fit your reality.

Who be we

agile and creative.

Our team is small on purpose. Small makes us hard to beat and harder to catch. On a daily basis, you work with our core team while we manage the resources required to make your conference or event a smashing success.

"You see, idealism detached from action is just a dream. But idealism allied with pragmatism, with rolling up your sleeves and making the world bend a bit, is very exciting. It's very real. It's very strong.”
Bono - U2

You are Never alone. We have amazing partners...

Our network of partners means we can offer you unparalleled resources, creative thinking, and a never-ending supply of talent.

We Are with You Every Step Of The Way

Really. Every Step.